Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Changing it up a little...

Okay, so I haven't posted in a few days. There's a good reason for that...then again, maybe there's not. I've been feeling a little down lately. In fact, right after I wrote my last post, I seemed to go into a sort of depression state. I'm still going through it a little, slowly fighting my way out. It seems I go through this on a regular, but sporadic, basis.

I suppose that it could be self inflicted more than a mental issue, though maybe my self infliction is causing my mental issue? Let me spell it out for you. (TMI warning in #2. If you're male, you may want to skip it.)

Self infliction #1. I am trying to potty train an almost 2 year old that seems she's ready. I assure you, we're doing it slowly and on her terms. You see, almost from the time she could walk, Inara would come in with me when I had to use the potty. We bought her a potty chair to sit next to the big potty so that she'd begin the association. As she got older, she would start grabbing her diaper when she peed and eventually started stripping her diaper off after every pee. So, we started putting her on the potty, trying to get that muscle memory developed. Which brings us to today...she pees nearly every time she gets on the potty. My problem, she doesn't seem to care when she pees in her training pants. How on the planet Earth, do I get her to CARE?

Self infliction #2. Be prepared for TMI! I'm having my own "womanly" issue. I am at a loss as to how I can curb this problem. I have been having this problem since my sweet little Inara-Jayne was born. (Anyone else seeing a trend here?) She was an unexpected miracle for us, being born 6 years after our third child and 6 years after we had decided that three was a good stopping point. Anyway, after I had her, my periods started getting longer and longer and heavier and heavier. I had a period at one point for 9 weeks. I have been to a few doctors now, that have told me that everything checks out and what I'm experiencing is "normal". Really?! Is not being able to leave the house for fear of bleeding all over myself, "normal"?! Is having to go through several packages of SUPER with WINGS pads per month, "normal"?! Is having to take 2-4 showers a day and doing my laundry due to bleeding through, several times a day, just so I will have something to wear the next day, "normal"?! Someone, please tell me I'm not going insane and that you are having this problem too. Maybe someone who has conquered this, can tell me what they have done. I am not content with just "living" with this. This, IS NOT normal!

Self infliction #3. This blog. I started it, thinking that I just got a new Kitchen Aid mixer, I can make bread now and I want to shout it to the world!! Apparently people don't want to see my posts on bread and other yummy treats. So I have been trying desperately to think of something I could do and how I could do it. I want to have a blog that people can come to and sit down with their cup of coffee or tea and read like the paper...and foremost, relate to it. I want to be able to get and give advice. I want to share my family with the world because I think they are the best thing to have ever happened to me. I don't know how to do it. Writing has never been my strong suit, but I've decided that the more I do it, the better I will get. Hopefully, my lack of writing skills will not make you want to read elsewhere. If you have any advice on writing a blog, please let me know...I am so open to anything.

Self infliction #4. My weight. Because of my "womanly" issue, I have not been able to exercise because it's just not physically possible. It's hard enough to walk around the house without having the problems listed above in #2. I don't want to be caught in a Zumba move having to pause, very quickly, I might add, and take a run to the bathroom only to have to change my clothes and do a load of laundry. Workout ruined. Even though I cannot exercise right now, I have been trying to make healthier choices and when I eat during the day. I have felt a little more energy despite the anemia that I've got due to excessive loss of blood, but to no avail. I feel such despair when I look in the mirror, and because of that, I think my children see it.

If there is anyone out there at all that is reading this, please, I don't care what the advice is, would you mind just leaving me a comment down at the bottom? I would love to have someone else's opinion. Any opinion. :-)

Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully, I have not depressed you in the process.


  1. Hang in there Amanda! Referring to #2, my cycles STARTED very heavy, at 12 years old. Lasting 14-16 days and starting every 28 days . . . its no wonder I cried every time I started up. I too have had cycles that lasted for literally months at a time, I think 12 or 13 weeks was the longest. The worst part being that I had an abnormally heavy flow. Everyone thought I was crazy (yes, my body was driving me there in a hurry!), but I got sick of changing every 15 minutes or less. It sounds absurd, but I started to buy disposable diapers for myself, at least I could leave the house for longer than 5 minutes. By the time I found a doctor who actually listened, I'd been doing the diapers for a few years. I tried a D&C (among other things), but finally had to have the thing removed . . . turns out it was the biggest that this doctor had ever seen by at least 3 times . . . which also may explain why my babies were all hesitant to come out and play (by up to 6 weeks!) . . . they had a condo in there!!! It is definitely an added measure of stress, but I survived and so will you. Hang in there and keep moving forward!! PS - MY APOLOGIES to anyone I just told my nightmare to. (NOT my normal choice of conversation!!)

    1. Thank you so much Pris for sharing this with me. It makes me feel a little bit better about my situation, knowing that there is someone else out there that has gone through this. I'm hoping others that are going through this and reading this will be able to get help or at least some weight off their shoulders. I'm hoping that people won't be offended because someone has to talk about it in order for us to get help. Thanks so much Pris! I hadn't even thought about the D&C either. I was never given one after my miscarriages because I was told I didn't need one. I might make a suggestion to my doctor about it. :-)

  2. Mimi, Keep going to a Dr that will treat you. I do see this with alot of women, but the Dr's are all different. Some get an endometrial ablation to slow the periods down. Some get a hysterectomy, some take medications and some just deal with it.....If it were me, i would keep going to Dr's until they treat me. That is frustrating to deal with. I worked with a gal in her 30's who finally had a hysterectomy...

    1. I have gone to a few doctors. All have told me that I need to just deal with it. It may be the area that I live in though. One did suggest a hysterectomy but with all of the technology out there now days, I was thinking that there has to be another way. I feel like I'm too young to do that. Or am I? Though, at this point, I'd do anything to be rid of this problem. I just want it to be normal. I've even tried some homeopathic remedies but to no avail.

  3. If you have tried everything you have at your hands and it has all failed, then you may need to do just that. You have to think of your mental Health and your families well being...When mamma ain't happy, ain't no one happy.....
    The ablation on a younger woman will more than likely make your periods shorter and maybe not bleed as much...but after the procedure you won't know the true result for 3-6 months....I know after Jeff my periods were worse and lasted a few years. They lightened up a bit for another few years but then went back to being long and more clotty.....So you need to think about how long you want to go thru this.....
