Friday, January 18, 2013

A Fort, Some Crayons and a Pillow...

What do you do when you've had an early morning argument with the hubby, you've gotten a big reality check when you check the account and actually see how much has been cut from your husbands pay, and you are already depressed about having to quit school because of financial reasons and you have to finish taking care of it? You build a fort, add some crayons and a pillow and snuggle with the sweetest little 22 month old little girl ever!

That's what the theme for today! Inara loves it when I build a fort and we can just sit under it and color or read books. Sometimes we'll do it and stay in there all least until the kids get home from school.

Today, we decided to color on her Dora coloring pages. It's almost nap time so we brought in her comfy Yo Gabba Gabba blanky and her pillow.

The day just got a little better though, because, just a few minutes ago, I got a call from my school and was told that I will be able to continue my classes and graduate this year! All I have to do is catch up in my classes that are currently underway. Two weeks to catch up with. YIKES! Time to get to work as soon as I get the go ahead! Web Design III and Environmental Science, here I come!


  1. Congrats on the schooling! I know it is very hard what both you and Lisa are both doing...put your shoulder to the will pay off

  2. That's awesome Mimi! Im glad you can finish school! That fort looks so fun too!
